I have to apologise as this blog has been rather quiet for awhile. As most of you that read this blog know (since I met with you in Sweden last week!) I have accepted a position with EPiServer UK. It's a great opportunity for me and I have already learnt so much in the month I have been there, including working with my first implementation of x3.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the EPiServer partner summit in Stockholm. It was a great 4 days with some interesting sessions and a lot of networking. It was fantastic meeting up with a lot of people I have talked with but never met. It's always nice finally meeting in person. And I appreciated all those that chatted with me for the first time and answered my various questions. I will be posting some excerpts from the conference soon but I actually jumped on here because I found a neat tool that I just had to mention.
If you ever come across the frustrating situation where you have a VS 2008 solution you just want to have a look at and you only have VS 2005 installed but you really don't have the time to try and source out VS 2008 (or can't install on the machine) for whatever reason you can use this nifty tool: http://home.hot.rr.com/graye/Articles/ProjectConverter.htm
It's simply a converter that converts your solution files from 08 back to 05. How handy... :)
Congrats on your new job Rachel! It was so nice finally meeting the EPiGirl :-) The summit was a blast.
To be fair, it takes only a couple of minutes to make the changes manually, they're not that big. But sure, a tool is always more fun =)
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