Thursday, 20 March 2008

The Next Adventure

Sadly, today is my last day at Intergen. I am embarking on my big OE and will be leaving New Zealand in just over a week. My adventures begin in South East Asia (Thailand & Vietnam) before I arrive in London at the end of April.

So this blog is going to be very quiet for a little while till I'm settled down again. If you want to keep up with my travels you can find my personal travel blog here:

Once I have landed in London I will be looking for contract work, preferably in the EPiServer space. If you know of any positions available feel free to message me through my msn link on the side of this blog. Location is not an issue, I am happy to work anywhere in the UK.

I just want to also say a big thank you to everyone out there who has been reading my blog and who have supported me over the last few years.

Talk again soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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