Monday, 15 October 2007

EPiServer announces new EMVP program

Mikael Runhem has announced on his research blog the introduction of the new EMVP - The EPiServer Most Valued Professional Program.

The requirements to become an EMVP are:
  • Very high skills in EPiServer solution development.
  • To be able to leverage their personal expertise to other developers in blogs and sample code.
  • To have witten at least one high-class technical blog article about EPiServer with top ratings.
  • You also need to be invited by at least three EPiServer staff members
And to maintain EMVP status you need to publish at least one high-class technical blog article about EPiServer at the official EMVP blog with top ratings every 60 days.

This is a very exciting opportunity and I am happy to see EPiServer bringing in a program like this. For more information about the benefits check out the blog here - Mikes Blog

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