Monday, 15 October 2007

EPiServer announces new EMVP program

Mikael Runhem has announced on his research blog the introduction of the new EMVP - The EPiServer Most Valued Professional Program.

The requirements to become an EMVP are:
  • Very high skills in EPiServer solution development.
  • To be able to leverage their personal expertise to other developers in blogs and sample code.
  • To have witten at least one high-class technical blog article about EPiServer with top ratings.
  • You also need to be invited by at least three EPiServer staff members
And to maintain EMVP status you need to publish at least one high-class technical blog article about EPiServer at the official EMVP blog with top ratings every 60 days.

This is a very exciting opportunity and I am happy to see EPiServer bringing in a program like this. For more information about the benefits check out the blog here - Mikes Blog

Friday, 12 October 2007

Lorem Ipsum Generator

I use this little tool all the time and thought I should share it with the rest of you.

It's a generator for Lorem Ipsum dummy text

Thursday, 11 October 2007

CSSVista Tool

A friend at work put me on to this very cool free tool called CSSVista. It allows you to edit css against a live site and see the results in IE and Firefox simultaneously.

It's a pretty basic tool, you make some changes to your css on the left and it displays on the right (no html changes available) however if you're like me, you no doubt have many occasion where you just can't seem to get your css to do what you want and this tool will allow you to play around till you get it right.

You can also disable css & images in one go to see the affect in both browsers, do some resolution resizing and outline elements.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

EPiServer CMS 5 Released

The much anticipated EPiServer CMS 5 was released in september and I for one am very excited about working with this new version. We have two new projects coming up at Intergen so look out for some interesting posts as I learn the ins and outs of this new version.

For download details: Download EPiServer CMS